Bogart BogartPublic.vb
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Imports System.Data.SqlClientImports System.Data#Region "IBogartToolbar,請勿隨便更改"Interface IBogartToolbar    Sub j_menuPrint()    Sub j_LoadData()    'Sub j_setToolsBar()     Sub j_ChangeRecord()    Sub j_AddRow()    Sub j_EditRow()    Property EnabledPrint() As Boolean    Sub SetToolsControl(ByVal g As myDataGrid.myDatagrid)    Property CurrentGrid() As myDataGrid.myDatagridEnd Interface#End RegionModule DataAccess#Region "資料庫常用方法"    Public SystemBackColor As Color = Color.FromArgb(190, 190, 215)    Public SystemBackColor2003 As Color = Color.FromArgb(179, 206, 247)    Public SystemBackColorMenu As Color = Color.FromArgb(246, 246, 246)    Public Function ExectueSQL(ByVal strSQL As String, ByVal objConn As OleDb.OleDbConnection) As DataSet        Dim ds As New DataSet        Dim dap As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter        Try            dap = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(strSQL, objConn)            dap.Fill(ds)        Catch ex As Exception            MsgBox(ex.ToString())        Finally            dap.Dispose()        End Try        Return ds    End Function    Public Function ExectueSQL(ByVal strSQL As String, ByVal objConn As SqlClient.SqlConnection) As DataSet        Dim ds As New DataSet        Dim dap As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter        Try            dap = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, objConn)            dap.Fill(ds)        Catch ex As Exception            MsgBox(ex.ToString())        Finally            dap.Dispose()        End Try        Return ds    End Function    Public Function ExectueSQL(ByVal SqlCmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand) As DataSet        Dim ds As New DataSet        Dim dap As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter        Try            dap = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(SqlCmd)            dap.Fill(ds)        Catch ex As Exception            MsgBox(ex.ToString())        Finally            dap.Dispose()        End Try        Return ds    End Function    Public Function ExectueSQL(ByVal SqlCmd As OleDb.OleDbCommand) As DataSet        Dim ds As New DataSet        Dim dap As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter        Try            dap = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(SqlCmd)            dap.Fill(ds)        Catch ex As Exception            MsgBox(ex.ToString())        Finally            dap.Dispose()        End Try        Return ds    End Function    Public Function ExectueCmdAS400(ByVal strSQL As String, ByVal objConn As OleDb.OleDbConnection) As Boolean        Dim ret As Boolean = False        Try            Dim retCount As Integer = ExectueCmd(strSQL, objConn)            ret = IIf(retCount >= 0, True, False)        Catch ex As Exception            MsgBox("ExectueCmd " & vbCrLf & ex.ToString())            ret = False        End Try        Return ret    End Function    Public Function ExectueCmd(ByVal strSQL As String, ByVal objConn As OleDb.OleDbConnection) As Integer        Dim cmd As OleDb.OleDbCommand        Dim ret As Integer = 0        Try            cmd = New OleDb.OleDbCommand(strSQL, objConn)            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text            ret = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()        Catch ex As Exception            MsgBox("ExectueCmd:" & ex.ToString() & vbCrLf & strSQL)            ret = -1        Finally            cmd.Dispose()        End Try        Return ret    End Function    Public Function ExectueCmd(ByVal strSQL As String, ByVal objConn As SqlClient.SqlConnection) As Integer        Dim cmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand        Dim ret As Integer        If objConn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then            OpenConn(objConn)        End If        Try            cmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(strSQL, objConn)            ret = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()        Catch ex As Exception            ret = -1        Finally            cmd.Dispose()        End Try        Return ret    End Function    Public Function ExectueCmd(ByVal SqlCmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand) As Integer        Dim ret As Integer = -1        Try            ret = SqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()        Catch ex As Exception            ret = -1        Finally            SqlCmd.Dispose()        End Try        Return ret    End Function    Public Function ExectueCmd(ByVal SqlCmd As OleDb.OleDbCommand) As Integer        Dim ret As Integer = -1        Try            ret = SqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()        Catch ex As Exception            ret = -1        Finally            SqlCmd.Dispose()        End Try        Return ret    End Function    Public Function CDecs(ByVal strValue As String) As Decimal        If strValue.Trim() = "" Then            Return 0        Else            Return CDec(strValue)        End If    End Function    Public Function IsALL(ByVal strValue As String) As String        strValue = strValue.Trim()        If strValue = "" Then            Return "All"        Else            Return strValue        End If    End Function#End Region '請勿隨便更改#Region "讀取Logo的方法"    '''     '''     添加公用報表Logo方法    '''     '''  包含 Logo(Table) 的DataSet     ''' 可選參數,資料庫字段的別名,默認:CompanyLogo,不區分大小寫.    Public Sub GetLogo(ByRef ds As DataSet, Optional ByVal AliasName As String = "CompanyLogo")        Try            Dim dt As DataTable = GetLogo(AliasName)            ds.Tables.Add(dt)            ds.AcceptChanges()        Catch ex As Exception            MsgBox(ex.ToString)        End Try    End Sub    '''     '''     添加公用報表Logo函數    '''     ''' 可選參數,資料庫字段的別名,默認:CompanyLogo,不區分大小寫.    ''' 可選參數,返回 Logo的表的名稱,默認:Logo,分大小寫.    ''' 
A System.Data.DataTable value
Public Function GetLogo(Optional ByVal AliasName As String = "CompanyLogo", Optional ByVal tabName As String = "Logo") As DataTable Try Dim strSQL As String = "" Dim strCompanyCode As String = "" If tabName.Trim = "" Then tabName = "Logo" End If If AliasName.Trim = "" Then AliasName = "companylogo" End If Select Case g.gLocation Case LocationType.CHINA_SHENZHEN strCompanyCode = "SHS" Case LocationType.THAILAND strCompanyCode = "Thailand" Case LocationType.HONGKONG strCompanyCode = "AFT" Case LocationType.BRUNE strCompanyCode = "Brunet" Case Else strCompanyCode = "Bogart" End Select Dim dt As DataTable = GetLogo(strCompanyCode, AliasName, tabName) Return dt.Copy Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.ToString) End Try End Function ''' ''' 添加公用報表Logo函數 ''' ''' 公司編號,即:Logo的編號 ''' 資料庫字段的別名,不區分大小寫. ''' 返回 Logo的表的名稱,分大小寫. '''
A System.Data.DataTable value
Public Function GetLogo(ByVal strCompanyCode As String, _ ByVal AliasName As String, _ ByVal tabName As String) As DataTable Try Dim strSQL As String = "" Dim dt As DataTable = Nothing If tabName.Trim = "" And AliasName.Trim = "" Then Return dt End If If AliasName.ToLower = "companylogo" Then strSQL = "select CompanyLogo from CompanyProfile where CompanyCode='" & strCompanyCode & "'" Else strSQL = "select CompanyLogo as " & AliasName & " from CompanyProfile where CompanyCode='" & strCompanyCode & "'" End If dt = DataAccess.ExectueSQL(strSQL, SqlConnect).Tables(0) dt.TableName = tabName Return dt.Copy Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.ToString) End Try End Function#End Region '請勿隨便更改 Public tmp_PHFRMT As DataTable Public Sub SetCheckBox(ByVal MyGrid As myDataGrid.myDatagrid, ByVal strColName As String) strColName = strColName.Trim If strColName = "" Then Exit Sub End If Dim items As C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.ValueItems = MyGrid.Columns(strColName).ValueItems With items ' we're going to translate values - the datasource needs to hold at least 3 states .Translate = True ' each click will cycle thru the various checkbox states .CycleOnClick = True .Presentation = C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.PresentationEnum.CheckBox ' now associate underlying db values with the checked state .Values.Clear() .Values.Add(New C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.ValueItem("0", False)) ' unchecked .Values.Add(New C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.ValueItem("1", True)) ' checked ''.Values.Add(New C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.ValueItem("2", "INDETERMINATE")) ' indeterminate state End With End Sub ''' ''' 返回本地IP ''' Public Function IPAdress() As String Return System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList(0).ToString().Trim() End Function Public Function ToDataTable(ByVal MyGrid As myDataGrid.myDatagrid) As DataTable Dim ObjDataTable As DataTable Try If TypeOf (MyGrid.DataSource) Is DataView Then Dim obDataView As DataView = CType(MyGrid.DataSource, DataView) ObjDataTable = obDataView.Table.Clone() Dim idx As Integer = 0 Dim strColNames(ObjDataTable.Columns.Count) As String For Each col As DataColumn In ObjDataTable.Columns strColNames(idx) = col.ColumnName idx += 1 Next Dim IEnrator As IEnumerator = obDataView.GetEnumerator() While IEnrator.MoveNext() Dim drv As DataRowView = CType(IEnrator.Current, DataRowView) Dim dr As DataRow = ObjDataTable.NewRow Try For Each strName As String In strColNames dr(strName) = drv(strName) Next Catch ex As Exception Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) End Try ObjDataTable.Rows.Add(dr) End While ElseIf TypeOf (MyGrid.DataSource) Is DataTable Then ObjDataTable = CType(MyGrid.DataSource, DataTable) End If Catch oE As System.Exception ObjDataTable = Nothing ErrorMsg.Show(oE) End Try Return ObjDataTable End Function ''' ''' 返回一個字符串 ''' ''' '''
A System.String value
Public Function Trims(ByVal o As Object) As String If TypeOf (o) Is DBNull Then Return "" Else Return Convert.ToString(o).Trim() End If End FunctionEnd Module



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